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Friday, November 19, 2010

This is a special appeal to all brothers and sisters in recovery for whom mental illness is anything but an "outside issue." We who are dually diagnosed can help effect positive change within our own support fellowships. This call to action is not about challenging established traditions; it's about validating our own self-worth, individually and collectively, within our recovery communities.

Official website:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Will #XA Meetings Online Keep You In Recovery?

One would have to be in some form of denial to discount the inherent benefits of attending f2f meetings. Still, there's this pervasive assumption that a large percentage of people in recovery *live* within a reasonable distance to any fellowship's meetings. This isn't necessarily so. Welcome to recovery in rural America where if meetings are scarce, then literature, telephones and broadband (if available), may be a 12-stepper's only reliable safety net.