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Friday, October 14, 2011

Google+ Nymwars - My Turn!

screenshot of fugi's Google+ real names violation notice

Re-posted from Google+

Please forgive me if this post shows up beyond whatever circle(s) in which I may currently reside. It is public as well as targeted, so please feel free to re-share.

This eveninref="g, I received the all-dreaded notification that my current nom de guerre is in violation of the Google+ Real Names policy. I have little doubt that the nym by which I've been better known as since 1997, fugitive247, would certainly pass the permissible pseudonym test. There's a catch, though. Alpha-numeric nyms are not accepted within the name fields.

Many of my trusted friends already know the background behind "fugitive247" and why I've fought for more than 15 years to maintain some modicum of personal anonymity online. I will not re-state it within this post. Those who are curious are more than welcome to Google me (fugitive247).

In a private G+ message to +Natalie Villalobos (Aug 6, 2011), I stated the following:

"The Postmaster General of my township's USPS office knows that I, [redacted], am fugitive247 online, and I do answer to "fugi" IRL. Even my verified PayPal account goes to my 15 years-old "fugitive247" [email] account."

If fugitive247 is accepted by the Postmaster General of a United States Postal Service facility, surely there ought to be room for reasonable compromise where the G+ Real Names pseudonym exception is concerned. As the conditions currently stand, even submitting an alpha-only version (fugitive twofourseven) for review now, may likely result in suspension of my Google+ account. That's not exactly fair, is it?

If this matter hasn't reached satisfactory resolution by October 18th, the suspension will go into effect. Thank you for taking the time to read about yet another facet of the Google+ #nymwar


Chris O., better known as fugitive247

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