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Monday, December 14, 2009

Exploring the Rabbit Hole

Is there such a thing as too much inter-connectedness? This question has been gnawing at me for quite some time, especially where it pertains to online activities. Web development over the past few years has brought us some potentially fantastic innovations. Admittedly, I've not been an early adopter of many of them, such as OpenID and the then fledgling API technological offerings. Back then it was firmly cemented within my synapses that:

  • blogs were blogs, period
  • social networks were social networks, period
  • forums were forums, period
  • ad infinitum, each followed by a period

These were all accompanied with the steady background droning of one very loud hampster wheel: How much risk are "open anything" users going to expose themselves to before key elements of privacy and overall security are addressed? Some who are familiar with my past writings from other venues might now be bracing themselves for one of my customary rants. Nope, not today, friends. ;oD

Today's goal is a simple one. It mostly involves getting a feel for my present comfort level with the liabilities and assets of becoming more inter-connected. I'm considering possible integration of a few other accounts which have been languishing for a long time. Questions and comments are welcome. Considerate conduct is appreciated. Witty banter is adored. Trolls will be auctioned off to the highest (read: most dangerously clever) bidder.

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