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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Owning My Labels

This manifesto of sorts, began as a tweaked Facebook status update re-post (02/17/2011). Due to field input limitations, it then became this note. Thanks again Dawn K., for the inspiration.

I have curves; I'm fat. On the rare occasions I do wear makeup, I might be considered fake. If I decide to get dressed up for no real reason, my motives are scrutinized. When I honestly express what's on my mind while dispensing with all the political correctness bullshit, I'm a bitch. When I cry sometimes, I'm perceived as a drama queen. I have guy friends, so that must mean I'm a slut. I stand up for myself out of self-respect, therefore I'm deemed mouthy. Seems like nobody can do anything any more without being labeled. This realistic, self actualized woman has minimized the effectiveness of what you assume is your ammunition. If I missed any other choice labels, here's your chance to take your best shot. You're encouraged first, to ask yourself if you think I really give a shit. Re-posting isn't necessary, but it's an interesting barometer of like-mindedness.