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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Another Lap Around The Sun

Happy Autumn, folks. As basically not dying would warrant, yesterday marked another natal anniversary. I guess it's time to admit it: I am now middle-aged. That pesky personal bugaboo, vanity, wants me to buy wholesale into the popular media notion that getting older barely escapes qualifying as a criminal activity. Rationale, along with well wishes from some of my favorite people on Earth, continues to help me tell my petty little ego to go f*ck itself. So what if my few gray hairs are plotting to overthrow those which haven't yet succumbed. I'm getting pretty doggone good at knitting hats!

Speaking of annual celebrations, if it weren't for staying clean no matter what, this grateful recovering addict would literally bet the farm that using again would pretty much guarantee that I'd not see another "belly button" birthday. I'm not willing to take that gamble, just for today. Unfortunately, within the past few days, a couple of public figures have left this plane of existence. Names needn't be mentioned. It's just that one of them fought the good fight, and in doing so gained an awesome extension on his life journey. The other one sadly, never quite "got" it even though he'd reportedly been "around" the rooms for a few years.

As it typically happens in these types of situations, the debate over fellowship anonymity, per Tradition Eleven, have built up a new head of steam. Naturally, there are varying degrees of acceptance and rejection. There are even some who boldly (bravely? foolishly?) go so far as to sanction the voluntary breaking of one's own anonymity. Hey, what about anonymity with transparency? It's this addict's opinion that until the time is upon us when the actions of a/an [insert fellowship name] Anonymous member does not potentially have a negative impact on 12-step recovery in general; that discretionary protection remains the driving principle behind Tradition Eleven. Do I believe that Tradition Eleven be updated to address issues of online anonymity? Well, duh!!! =)

One last item to note before I can consider this entry is done... I've reconsidered my earlier position on writing a themed blog. Coming soon to an .rss feed near you, please welcome Dopeless Knitter. Hey, I couldn't *not* do it. ♥

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