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Friday, November 02, 2012

Dopeless Voter

Only in America: American icon Uncle Sam wants you to stay sober.

U.S. Presidential Election meditation: I will continue to put my recovery first, just for today, no matter what.

For various reasons, up until now I have chosen to stay fairly quiet regarding my position on the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Throughout the recovery community, over the past couple of years we've collectively shared some ongoing growing pains. In my opinion, one of the most significant changes continues to be the shifting tide of the importance of anonymity. Of course, it's a delicate transition, trying to find a healthy mid-ground while also striving to eradicate common negative stereotypes of addiction and recovery.

So today, on my 6,354th consecutive daily reprieve from the horrors of active disease, I find myself driven to drop this fact bomb: For better or worse, many addicts -- in and out of recovery -- do vote.

What follows was compelled by a recent exchange between my non-addict, real life "bestie" of 25+ years and I, and this great piece by Marc Ensign on How To Stop Being Such A [Blog] Pussy. Do note that all opinions on this page (and throughout Dopeless Enigmaniac) are my own, and they are not meant to represent the views or policies of any organized recovery entity.

Please, before you make any final decision about for whom you will vote, do a little reading about United Nations Agenda 21. That's the big ball o' wax which Obama and predecessors have systematically set in motion over the past several decades. Look at how NDAA 2012 section 1021 violates the U.S. Constitution in furtherance of the United Nations' agenda.

Snippets: Muppet patriot Sam the American Bald Eagle believes that politicians should wear shock collars that zap every time a lie is told.
"Sam" character image © CTW

Next, ask yourself why Obama is bristling over NDAA 2013.

Only in America: Angry Voter (political party is irrelevant)

Finally, just for giggles, do a web search for Executive Orders signed by our current Grand Poobah -- and Clinton, for that matter. Pardon my colloquial candor, but this shit ain't right and it sure ain't American. To put it the parlance of my Ozarks neighbors, "that dog don't hunt here." (I trust that the gods of proper grammar will forgive me this deliberate transgression.)

Only in America: Where the Freedom Was - Jim Kirwan
"Where the Freedom Was" - Jim Kirwan

All the partisan rhetoric is abject bullshit. What is crucial in this election first and foremost, is to get our nation back to its sovereign status, our Constitutional rights restored and the whole enchilada. Sure, Romney and a majority of his minions may be clueless on numerous issues, but getting our country's ass out of the United Nations isn't one of them. And unfortunately, a vote for a Libertarian, Green, or Independent candidate can only negate votes which could otherwise be cast for either a president who wants to keep digging America's grave, or for one who will empower us rather than continue to enslave us.

Wasn't active addiction slavery enough?

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