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Monday, January 18, 2010

Brand What? Explorations and Motivations

A few weeks ago I said that I wanted to resume explorations of this evolving rabbit hole commonly referred to as the internet. It had been over a year since my site host went belly-up, rendering the earlier incarnation of Dopeless Enigmaniac, MIA. Blog-wise, I was virtually rudderless, not wanting to revive any of my older blogs. Still, I was happily busy with other matters which generally kept me offline anyway.

This hiatus gave me time to think between rounds of diaper changes and other aspects of Mommydom. Not so quietly, I longed to be blogging, mentally composing grand entries while obsessively knitting little things. The subjects entertained were varied, as is typically my pattern. Now that I can write a little more regularly again, there's this movement towards developing personal brands.

Personal whats? You've got to be friggin' kidding me, right? Wrong. Disgustingly wrong, from what I've observed. Deliberately developing a personal brand can be too easily equated with allowing oneself to be profiled, cross-filed, defiled... Shannon Paul illustrates this condition in a decidedly more eloquent and thorough manner. However, I like my summation too:

Labels are for soup cans.
Crap! There's a label on my ass.
It says "soup can."

So, is some disingenuous, carefully crafted personal brand in my future? Ugh. Absolutely not.

Do I plan to commit any form of Web 2.0 suicide in an attempt to sanitize my online presence? Nope. Why bother? If the only impact I ever make is not to be a phony, then I retain both my integrity and self-respect.

Am I going to limit my writing only to select themes? Hardly! The world is full of curiosities, beautiful and horrific, innovative and traditional, humorous and solemn, evocative and mundane. I intend to savor and relate as many of these experiences as possible.

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