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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Inventories "R" Us

Dopeless Enigmaniac - Inventories R Us
Dopeless Enigmaniac - Inventories R Us

Pinterest: Recovery ROCKS!!!

Welcome fellow addicts, to everybody's favorite game show, Inventories "R" Us!

Being judgmental is a seemingly inescapable aspect of the human condition. It may as well be a requirement for citizenship in North America and other locales. But what value, if any, does it have within the context of recovery?

I'll be the first to admit that I can be fairly judgmental, and at some times more than others. This can be both a character defect and an asset. No, I'm not rationalizing a darn thing here. There's something amiss when folks leave steaming piles of bullshit laying around, and few, if anyone, calls out the offending parties. Even fewer will bother to remedy (read: take action upon) the situations when they occur.

So here's the deal. If you're an addict in recovery who, for whatever reason, takes offense at the following poem, first determine why you take issue with it. Chances are that there's some truth contained in its message with which you personally identify.

You justify your insides
By judging my outsides,
But what gives you the right?
That clearance Walmart halo
May be screwed on
Just a tad too tight.

Hey, that copypasta shtick
Is unoriginal at best,
And most of it's
the property of Hazelden,
So try giving it a rest.

Parroting bumper sticker platitudes
Designed to mimic gratitude,
And slogans by the score,
Doesn't earn you the cred
Which can't be bought in any store.

Hubris has a new face,
Worn by those who think they're deep.
Quit spamming the masses;
Instead write a blog
'Cause relentless duplicate wall posts
Come off as hackneyed and cheap.

Time is measured in quality,
Quantity is but a bonus.
Addiction doesn't care
About your time;
The bitch just wants to own us.

Firsthand Experience, Strength and Hope
(now that's some strong dope!)
Are key to how we heal some strife,
Along with service and steps,
To fix this collective broken life.

So, let's get real,
You and me,
Because I can't do
This recovery gig alone.
If we're going to judge each other,
Then let's assess how much we've grown.

Well, that's all the time we have this evening for tonight's round of Inventories "R" Us. The Dopeless Networks are currently undergoing upgrades and other transitional changes. Your patience is greatly appreciated. Please also feel free to tune into our sister station for the continuing adventures of a mischievous yarn junkie.

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