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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Google+ Nymwars - Restored!

screenshot of fugi's restored Google+ account

For those just learning about the Google+ suspension this past weekend, of this anonymously recovering individual, I'd be lying if I claimed that I didn't get kind of upset over it. Going on a flat-out tirade however, was not and still isn't a preferable option. Instead, I chose to act rather than to react. It's this same practice of choosing action over reaction which recently led me to cancel my Facebook account (hurrah!).

Plenty of folks have heard me rail over the years, both online and in the rooms, about what I honestly believe is an inherent need to preserve a reasonable yet acceptable level of personal anonymity. Accountability is an essential part of the ethics equation, and a measure of respectable credibility is only earned over the long haul. These principles apply regardless of online or real world venues.

Again, I wish to thank everyone who offered their support, and who continue to press on for sound internet privacy and personal identification policies. It is both an honor and a privilege to be counted as a member of this amazing community. =)

Warmest regards,

Chris O | fugitive247

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