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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stop Perpetuating Faux Sainthood

Zero Fucks Given original image by fugitive247 the Dopeless Enigmaniac


Can somebody please tell me who started the myth that people in recovery are expected to be saintly? Anybody? Hello?

**cue crickets**

Yeah, that's what I thought. So then, why do old-timers especially, seem to get put up on pedestals? From where does this misplaced idolatry come and why does this fallacy of holiness continue unabated?

It was only a little over a century ago that a handful of similarly troubled individuals struggled to connect for the sole purpose of, well... not dying from an addiction, one day at a time.

A lot has happened since 1908, but rather than rehash early recovery history, let's fast forward a bit.

If our original pioneers could see the recovery landscape today, what might their overall assessment be? Of course, this line of pondering leads down the alleyways of "Could Have," "Would Have," and "Should Have." Still, it is a worthwhile question if for no other reason than to encourage those of us on the path today, to examine our realities and priorities.

Yes, this careens broadly into areas which cannot and, really, should not be given credible voice only to those with arguable degrees of authority. I have a voice and I am not afraid to use it. Ready? Here we go!

Today, on what marks my 6,547th consecutive day (and a million nights) in recovery, here's only a smidgeon of how I see the overall faux sainthood equation:

  • Time (quantity) ≠ Guru (quality)
  • Books, speaker circuit, etc. ≠ Guru (quality)
  • Service positions, sponsees, etc. ≠ Guru (quality)
  • Certification(s) ≠ Proven Application
  • ODOP (One Disease One Program) does not work for everybody
  • No single recovery program is better than any other, nor are their practitioners
  • Mode of expression, occasional swearing ≠ lack of recovery quality

So, what do I consider to be the hallmarks of quality in recovery? In all fairness, I can only offer my experience, strength, hope, and pieces of practical education gleaned along the way. Below, is a quick rundown based on the list above.

  • All I really have is this today; I've just been blessed with a lot of them
  • Yes, time permitting, I blog. If I write a book some day, it will be primarily fiction. I do not believe in recovery-related appearances for financial gain.
  • Opinion: If one feels the need for recognition of their service activities, maybe he/she ought to look at possible ego issues.
  • Metaphor for professional or educational accreditation... Putting a saddle on a hamster will not produce a horse.
  • There isn't necessarily a one-size-fits-all recovery solution for everyone, so who am I to judge?
  • Territorial pissing contests over such matters are as stupid as having an all-out knife fight on an inflatable life boat.
  • If you read this whole post and still want to judge me on the image, guess what? Not my fucking problem, sweetheart. ;-)

Dopeless Enigmaniac - Don't mess with chicks in recovery

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